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How do you assemble the sausage stuffer extension?

See how to assemble the sausage stuffer from KitchenAid. This extension pack of the meat grinder (plastic) creates sausages of different sizes. Find out...

When you're ready to assemble the sausage stuffer extension pack (5KSMSSA), discard all promotional labels and packing materials attached to the product. Before using it for the first time, wash all the parts in warm, soapy water. Rinse and wipe dry.

Here are the steps to putting the sausage stuffer together:

  1. Insert the grind screw into the main housing*. how do you assemble the sausage stuffer extension step 1
  2. Place the sausage stuffer plate, matching the notch of the plate with the tab on the bottom of the main housing*.
    how do you assemble the sausage stuffer extension step 2
  3. Insert your chosen sausage stuffer tube (large or small depending on the size you want to make) through the collar. Place the collar and sausage stuffer tube on the main housing*, and turn the collar clockwise until secure.
    how do you assemble the sausage stuffer extension step 3

*The main housing and its tray are sold separately as the meat grinder attachment in plastic (5KSMFGA).

How to attach the grinder and sausage stuffer extension to the mixer:

  1. Turn the mixer off (speed '0') and unplug.
    how do you attach the sausage stuffer extension to the mixer step 1
  2. Remove the attachment hub cover, either by flipping up the cover or removing the cover by unscrewing anticlockwise on mixers with a removable hub cover. how do you attach the sausage stuffer extension to the mixer step 2
  3. Insert the attachment shaft housing into the attachment hub. how do you attach the sausage stuffer extension to the mixer step 3
  4. Tighten the mixer attachment hub knob clockwise until the attachment is completely secured to the mixer. how do you attach the sausage stuffer extension to the mixer step 4

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