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Easy homemade strawberry ice cream

KitchenAid Chef

Rich and creamy strawberry ice cream that everyone will love.

Import-Recipe - Strawberry ice cream

Easy homemade strawberry ice cream

KitchenAid Chef

Rich and creamy strawberry ice cream that everyone will love.




450 g strawberries

9 tbsp lemon juice

2 egg yolks

170 g + 60 g caster sugar

360 g heavy whipping cream

360 g whole milk

Step by step

  1. Put the ice cream bowl from the Ice Cream Maker attachment in the freezer overnight.

  2. Put the egg yolks and biggest amount of sugar in the bowl of the stand mixer. Attach the Wire Whip and mix on speed 10 for 3 minutes until the mixture is lighter in colour.

  3. Combine the milk and cream in a pouring jug. Turn the Speed Control Lever to 4 and slowly stream the cream and milk in the egg mixture. Mix until everything is combined and looks airy. Put in the fridge for 30 minutes.

  4. Cut the tops off the strawberries. Cover the strawberries with 60 grams of sugar and the lemon juice and let rest for 30 minutes.

  5. Put the strawberries in a blender and blend for 30 seconds on speed 6.

  6. Fold the mixed strawberries into the cream with a spatula until just combined. You don’t want to over-mix the ‘whipped’ cream.

  7. Take out the ice cream bowl from the Ice Cream Maker attachment from the freezer. Attach the Ice Cream Maker to the stand mixer.

  8. Turn Speed Control Lever to 4 and pour the cream mixture into the bowl. Make sure the mixer is turning, before you pour the mixture in.

  9. Wait 15-20 minutes until the ice cream looks like soft serve. Then pour it into a (airtight) container, wrap it with cling film and freeze for 4 hours.